mardi 12 novembre 2019

The first WaiTALK to be held in Algeria jointly

WaiTALK : AI for good Quality of education

by Women in AI 
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Date And Time



Universite Constantine 2 Abdelhamid Mehri
La Nouvelle Ville Ali Mendjeli
Constantine, Wilaya de Constantine -
Event description
The first WaiTALK to be held in Algeria jointly with the 4th edition of "Salon de l'informatique" shall focus on AI in Education.
The rise of technology within the education sector over the last few decades has been astounding. This is certainly the case if we consider that teaching with technology has become pervasive in almost every classroom environment. Within today’s classroom, for example, we find ourselves surrounded by devices such as smart boards, AV, computers, laptops, tablets and phones, to name but a few technologies which are now being integrated into teaching.
The first WaiTALK to be held in Algeria shall focus on the challenges and opportunities arising from AI for Education, shall address questions of social nature. Moreover, ways to ensure the quality of education.
9:00 - 910 Arrival and welcome
9:10 - 930 Opening by Fouzia Adjailia, Women in AI Ambassador in Algeria
9:30 - 9:50 ''Our future education doesn't have to be a boring dystopia’' by Mannel BennKhalifaa, Ambassadrice at ‎Algeria Model United Nations Program
9:50 - 10:10 ‘'AI in education; Where is It Now and What is the Future?'’ by Sami Chagar, Co-Founder of SARL Algerian Vision & Founder of PropreTech
10:10 - 10:50 Networking and Tea-break
10:50 - 11:10 ’The use of new AI technologies in education’by Imene Zenbout, Phd student at Constantine 2 university.
11:10 - 11:50 Panel discussion
11:50 - 12:00 Closing

The event is free, everyone can join, even if you are not attending the Salon de l'Informatique . If you already have your Salon tickets, please register as well to confirm your attendance. Both women and men are welcome to attend.
Looking forward to meeting you all there!
Team Women in AI (WAI) - Join us!

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